Student from the UTP Engineering Physics program participates in international materials congress

The 7th International Meeting for Researchers in Materials and Plasma Technology (7th IMRMPT) was held on June 7, 8 and 9
in Cartagena. María del Mar López Rendón, a student of the Engineering Physics program, participated in this event, which is held every two years, with an oral presentation entitled “
Simulation of the electronic and structural properties of GaMxAs1-x doped with Bi, P, Sb atoms for possible applications in solar cells .” María del Mar was presenting the results of her research work that she is carrying out in the research group on computational modeling and simulation – GIMOSIC. These types of events are of great importance since they allow for the creation of professional relationships between members of different universities, the socialization of academic topics and the knowledge of the advances in research topics that are being developed in the scientific community.